
3 Must-Read Health Tips for a New School Year

Back to school usually means two things—dread for children and excitement for parents. Whether you are the eager mom or the disappointed teen, prepping for school is crucial. Can it be a bit overwhelming? Sure. But we have some quick health tips that will get you ready to go back to school more prepared than ever! 1. Go to sleep earlier Summer days are drifting away, and those long summer nights that we all enjoy are also disappearing. The early school alarm will come way too soon. Start now to get in bed earlier with these tips: Power down:  Shut off your devices at least an hour before bedtime. Swap them out for a book or some journal time. Cut caffeine:  No, we don’t mean completely. But the casual rule-of-thumb is to stop drinking caffeinated drinks by 4:00 pm. Stick to that and you’ll be ready for bed at an earlier time. Add scent to your sleep:  Studies have shown that scents affect not only when you fall asleep but also the overall quality of your slumber.  Es...

5 Ways to Help You Get Stuff Done

Do you want to be a boss and get more done? Here are five daily habits to promote emotional well-being, reduce stress, and continue moving toward success. Try them out today! Exercise and get enough sleep Exercise for a minimum of ten minutes every day to enjoy benefits such as increased energy, better immune system function, and mental health benefits like decreased depression, stress, and anxiety.1 Also, make sure you’re getting enough sleep each night. The benefits of sleep can include improved immune system function, metabolism, memory, learning, and other vital functions. 2 Get organized When you’re organized, you feel less stressed and more in control. Start with your work environment. Declutter your desk and throw out or recycle anything you don’t need. Create a filing system for important documents so you can easily find them. Set realistic goals Keep the big picture in mind when you make your business goals. What do you want to achieve in the next week, month, or year? Break y...

Lifestyle Tips to Support Your Immune System

Getting through flu season can be rough. One way to prevent yourself from getting sick is to take better care of yourself! We listed some tips that can help you support your immune system and create an optimum environment for your body. Exercise, get plenty of rest, reduce your sugar intake, and eat high-fiber grains, protein, fruits, vegetables, and foods that are low in saturated fats. Meditate for 15 minutes each day. Manage your stress levels. Periodically cleanse your digestive system. Eliminate or cut down on smoking. Get plenty of vitamins C, D, and E in your diet. Enjoy plenty of time outdoors with a moderate amount of sunlight. Wash your hands correctly and often. Keep your weight at a healthy level. Drink plenty of water. Take probiotics, especially after consuming any antibiotics. For more information pls contact me through email :

Facts About 4Life Transfer Factor Collagen® Everyone Should Know

Q: What is collagen? A: Collagen is a vital structural protein in the human body. Often referred to as the “glue” that holds your body together, collagen is present in connective tissue throughout your body, including the skin. Collagen is made of three amino acid strands wound together that form a triple-helix. These triple-helixes form collagen fibers, which are the main component of connective tissue in your body.* Q: Why is it important to consume multiple types of collagen? A: Collagen is made up of amino acid chains. Variations in the amino acids create different types of collagen in your body. There are over 20 types of collagen identified, which all have slightly different functions in your body. For instance, types I and III are found mostly in the skin, while type II is more common in the joints. It’s important to take multiple types of collagen to support your whole body.* Q: Why is collagen so vital? A: When you’re young and still developing, your body. Your body produces e...

3 Ways to Raise Your Immune I.Q.®

WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO RAISE YOUR IMMUNE I.Q. ® ? Well, it means making it wise. You need a wise and properly balanced immune system so it knows when to fight health threats, how intensely to fight, and when to stop fighting. Knowledge is power! It’s important that your immune system is well-balanced and well-educated, so it can support your best state of health and well-being. Transfer factor molecules transfer immune wisdom from nature directly to you! In other words, they work with your body in an optimum way to fight potential health threats.* 4Life Transfer Factor® products utilize transfer factors extracted from cow colostrum and chicken egg yolks. There are several differences in the transfer factors from these two sources. While calves have access to their mothers for several months after birth, chicks must get all of their immune system education on the first day. Transfer factors from cow colostrum cover a broad range of protection, but are less concentrated. Transfer factors f...

5 Ways to Sleep Better

What’s one of the best things you can do for your body? Get enough sleep. It’s that simple. Who in the world is hoping to get less sleep? All we hear are crickets. But sometimes it’s hard to turn your brain off at night to get to that precious REM cycle. We’ve gathered some tips to help you take advantage of those valuable Zzzs. Power down. Remind your body to go to sleep by powering down. Stop scrolling through Instagram or watching those tantalizing recipe videos at least 30 minutes before you want to fall asleep. Don’t bring your phone to bed with you either. Do controlled breathing exercises. Do breathing exercises to help calm your senses and release any stress from the day. Breathe in for four counts, hold your breath for four counts, and exhale for four counts. Repeat as many times as it takes to relax and fall asleep. Meditate. Try to turn off your mind by doing basic yoga stretches while lying in bed and letting thoughts leave as fast as they come. Lie on your back with your l...

7 Reasons to Get Quality Protein

Many people aren’t getting enough protein in their daily nutritional intake, which makes it difficult to manage weight, gain muscle, and feel good. We crafted seven reasons to get quality protein that are backed by scientific studies. Protein supports fat loss. A diet that is high in quality protein and that restricts carbohydrate intake, even when total calories from fat remains constant, has consistently been shown to yield the most significant improvements in fat and weight loss, and improve cardiovascular function and other health measures. 1 Whey protein optimizes transformation goals. In a recent scientific review article, researchers concluded that whey protein can be used as an effective and powerful tool to transform one’s body and health. Whey protein supports a person’s ability to achieve his or her ideal weight and can support healthy blood glucose and insulin sensitivity (e.g., in response to strenuous exercise). It also stimulates the production of gut hormones involved i...