3 Must-Read Health Tips for a New School Year
Back to school usually means two things—dread for children and excitement for parents. Whether you are the eager mom or the disappointed teen, prepping for school is crucial. Can it be a bit overwhelming? Sure. But we have some quick health tips that will get you ready to go back to school more prepared than ever! 1. Go to sleep earlier Summer days are drifting away, and those long summer nights that we all enjoy are also disappearing. The early school alarm will come way too soon. Start now to get in bed earlier with these tips: Power down: Shut off your devices at least an hour before bedtime. Swap them out for a book or some journal time. Cut caffeine: No, we don’t mean completely. But the casual rule-of-thumb is to stop drinking caffeinated drinks by 4:00 pm. Stick to that and you’ll be ready for bed at an earlier time. Add scent to your sleep: Studies have shown that scents affect not only when you fall asleep but also the overall quality of your slumber. Es...